I am so excited to meet you! You know that everyone is good at different things. Some people are really good at sports, while others are really good at drawing, and others are really good at reading or math. But for other people, sports, reading, math or drawing might be really hard! We are all good at different things. My job is to figure out what YOU are good at, and what is hard for you, too. The reason we do this is to see if we can make learning more of the things you are good at. If something is hard for you, we will figure out what to do about that, too!
Here is a picture of my office. When you come to see me, I will have you do lots of things, like answer questions or try to solve problems. Some of these will be easy for you. Others might be harder for you. Often they start easy and get harder, which helps me to understand how your mind works. We usually will sit together at this desk and work. We can take breaks for snacks, or the bathroom, or talking to your parents, at any time. I do have a treasure chest and you can work to earn a trip or two, after all your work! Many kids ask me when they get to come back and do more work together!
Every kid also has a lot of feelings. Some feelings can make learning or talking easier, can you guess what feelings those are? Happy! Relaxed! Some feelings make learning and talking harder, like feeling scared or mad. Have you ever felt like that? I will ask you about how YOU feel. We will talk about friends, and what you like to do for fun.
Many different kinds of kids come to my office. Some really love school, others really don’t like it so much. Some are happy and feel good about themselves, others might not feel that way as much. I see kids from pre-school to high school. Whatever kind of kid you are is just great! We are going to have fun together. I can’t wait to meet you!
MindWorks Psychological Services
310 South Dillard St. Suite 160 Winter Garden FL 34787
Call/Text 407-415-1450 | info@mindworkspsych.com